Playlists ========= This library allows you to create, modify and delete playlists, note that this is mostly about the :class:`tidalapi.playlist.UserPlaylist` class, you can't modify other's playlists Creating a playlist ------------------- .. testsetup:: import tests.conftest import requests session = tests.conftest.login(requests.Session()) .. testcode:: playlist = session.user.create_playlist("Example playlist", "An example of a playlist") print( .. testoutput:: :hide: Example playlist Adding to a playlist -------------------- .. testcode:: playlist.add([133937137, 71823815]) [print( for x in playlist.tracks()] .. testoutput:: :hide: Worlds Collide Lost Forever Removing from a playlist ------------------------ .. testcode:: playlist.remove_by_index(0) playlist.remove_by_id(71823815) print(playlist.tracks()) .. testoutput:: :hide: [] Deleting a playlist ------------------- .. testcode:: playlist.delete()